How dangerous is it to interrupt an fsck?

I don’t have any direct knowledge or evidence, but to me, it would just be plain EVIL to not handle SIGINT. Hm. Actually, I can offer some assurance: strings /sbin/fsck | grep sig reports: sigaction Warning… %s for device %s exited with signal %d. So I’ll just take this as anectdotal evidence that the fsck … Read more

Running out of memory running fsck on large filesystems

A 64 bit kernel and large quantities of RAM will allow the fsck to finish nice and fast. Alternately, there’s now an option in e2fsck that’ll tell it to store all of it’s intermediate results in a directory instead of in RAM, which helps immensely. Create /etc/e2fsck.conf with the following contents: [scratch_files] directory = /var/cache/e2fsck … Read more

How long can fsck take on a 30 TB volume?

fsck speed mainly depends on the number of files and how they are spread in the respective directory. That said, 6 month for a fsck is absolutely absurd: it should had completed in some hours at most, especially if using xfs which has the speedy xfs_repair utility. Here you can find some fsck run at … Read more

Unable to resolve data corruption warning with fsck

This is stupid. I find myself answering my own question again. It says, Leaving filesystem unchanged. suggesting that nothing is changed. This actually mean that typing 1 followed by pressing enter inside the fsck prompt did not work. Anyway, the following does work: # fsck.vfat -v -a -w /dev/sda1 The above command automatically write changes … Read more

Will my system fsck when I reboot?

If all you want to do is avoid an fsck, adding the -f option to shutdown should help with that. shutdown -F to force fsck. tune2fs -l /dev/foo will tell you the interesting bits of information. Here’s a start at extracting just what you need: mount -l -t ext3,ext2 | cut -d’ ‘ -f1 | … Read more

CentOS thinks Disk is busy, can’t mount or fsck

It’s probably in use by device-mapper. Check your device-mapper table using dmsetup table. If it’s in there, clear the mapping with dmsetup remove <name>. If not, look for errors in dmesg as well. # dmsetup table mpath0: 0 3516173232 multipath 1 queue_if_no_path 0 1 1 round-robin 0 1 1 104:0 1000 mpath0p1: 0 3516162552 linear … Read more