Why is FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation null

The fused location provider will only maintain background location if at least one client is connected to it. Now just turning on the location service will not guarantee storing the last known location. Once the first client connects, it will immediately try to get a location. If your activity is the first client to connect … Read more

Android play services 6.5: LocationClient is missing

The LocationClient class has been replaced with the new FusedLocationProviderApi and the GeofencingApi, both of which use the common GoogleApiClient connection technique to connect to Google Play Services. Once you are connected, you can call methods such as requestLocationUpdates(): LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create() .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY); PendingResult<Status> result = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi .requestLocationUpdates( googleApiClient, // your connected GoogleApiClient locationRequest, … Read more

Best way to get user GPS location in background in Android [duplicate]

None of the rest of the answers use: com.google.android.gms.location.FusedLocationProviderClient Which is the Fused Location Provider and the main entry point for interacting with the fused location provider by Google, and it is very hard to find a good example. This was released mid 2017 by Google. Google Play services location APIs are preferred over the … Read more