Benefits of using a subdomain for sending email?

My question is: Is there any added benefit of sending automated email from an email address with a subdomain? I don’t think there are many technical reasons why a subdomain is required or necessarily better for deliverability of emails. That being said, having/using subdomains can sometimes make things easier for large organizations because: As an … Read more

Does transferring a domain transfers DNS records?

Generally, no. It’s important to understand that the domain only references a nameserver; the DNS records aren’t actually stored with the domain registration at all. When you transfer a domain name, most gaining registrars will leave the nameserver associated with the domain unchanged, so your DNS records will keep working as long as your DNS … Read more

How to setup a SPF record to help fight SPAM

There is an article on Google Apps help about this. All you need to do is add that TXT record and you’re set. I don’t know what you mean by “fight SPAM”, as all this does is authenticate that the e-mail you are sending is not spoofed, so all it will do is help … Read more