Bind Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab in tmux

Recent “unreleased” versions of tmux do automatically recognize those xterm-style key sequences once you have your terminal sending them (no need to change your terminfo entry). The next release version (1.8?) should also have this support. With an appropriate build of tmux1, all you have to do is bind the keys in your tmux configuration: … Read more

Hierarchical ldd(1)

I see many interesting details but no direct answer to the question asked. The ‘hierarchical’ version of ldd is lddtree (from app-misc/pax-utils): $ lddtree /usr/bin/xmllint xmllint => /usr/bin/xmllint (interpreter => /lib64/ => /lib64/ => /lib64/ => /lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ => /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.7.1/32/ => /lib64/ => /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.7.1/32/ … Read more

Performance difference between compiled and binary linux distributions/packages

The performance difference will be in almost all cases minimal and not worthwhile. Good reasons to use source distributions (while rolling your own binary packages, as gentoo’s bindist system allows) include: Deploying your own custom patches Customizing your kernel easily Packaging your own updates If you’re not doing any of these things, you don’t need … Read more

Optimal procedure to upgrade Gentoo Linux?

It seems like you’ve got it covered. The only other tip is to maybe take it a bit slower than a blind wholesale update. You can always update the packages or dependency chains individually with emerge -DNuav <atom> instead of world (use –oneshot for things you don’t want to add in to the world file, … Read more