Problems with DNS propagation 10 days after a change was made

Problem solved. Finally. Apparently did not update the glue records for ns1 and despite our initial request for them to do so (and their confirmation that it had been done). The tests that I posted above in my update showed that despite their confirmation of the update, the glue records were not propagating … Read more

What is the role of NS records at the apex of a DNS domain?

Subordinate identification Apex level NS records are used by a master server to identify its subordinates. When data on an authoritative nameserver changes, it will advertise this via DNS NOTIFY messages (RFC 1996) to all of its peers on that list. Those servers will in turn call back with a request for the SOA record … Read more

How to test DNS glue record?

Glue records only ever exist in the parent zone of a domain name. Hence in the case of your domain name, first find the .org name servers: % dig +short org. NS Then, for as many of these as you feel like testing, explicitly ask those name servers … Read more