Godaddy vs. Route53 for DNS [closed]

Short answer – If you don’t know reasons yourself, you probably don’t need to switch – just stick with whatever you use. Route53 may be more reliable, may be faster, have some features that help integrate it with other AWS services, but you don’t need any of it. If you care about the difference between … Read more

How do I set an MX record in Route53 for a GoDaddy domain?

To make things nice and clear, as some of the GoDaddy help articles are dead wrong: You just need to paste the two records from the server settings into your Route 53 control panel as a new record. The possible deception here is the the GD email panel will tell you you’re wrong, but not … Read more

Why should I use Amazon Route 53 over my registrar’s DNS servers?

GoDaddy […] I assume their servers are geographically distributed Don’t assume, verify with GoDaddy or verify it yourself. A quick traceroute to (a common DNS server name for GoDaddy) gives me a response from a datacenter here in Scandinavia where I live. So yes, it seems that GoDaddy has its nameservers spread out over … Read more