Google Analytics shows real time visitors but reflects 0 visitors historically

Data in Standard Reporting can take up to 24 hours to display. According to Google, site statistics update every 24 hours, but the company doesn’t specifically state how long it takes to update other information that may be associated with your Google Analytics account. For example, you may also be using Google’s AdWords to purchase … Read more

Google Analytics Event-based Goal Funnels

Google Analytics now offers an Events Flow Report, in which you can see how users “navigate” through the different events you have configured, but that’s probably not what you are looking for. If you want a “real” funnel report in Google Analytics, currently you can’t use Events, they are only available for Destination/URL goals. A … Read more

Deploying Google Analytics With Django

First, create a way to have your development and production servers pull settings from different files, say and There are lots of ways to do this. Then, create a setting, GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY. In set it to the empty string. In, set it to your key, something like “UA-124465-1”. Create a context processor … Read more

Can Google Analytics show me visits by hour?

Since Google Analytics was revised the currently accepted answer is no longer available. The current version of Google Analytics will let you view visitors per hour: Go to the Reporting Tab Select “Audience” Select “Overview” Select “Hourly” If you’re trying to determine total traffic by hour of the day for a given date range then … Read more

How to capture if a visitor is from a google adwords click

You’re correct–you can read this data from the cookies. To configure the tracking: connect your adwords and GA accounts: in your AdWords account, go to My Account > Account Preferences, click the “edit” link next to Tracking then select the box that says “Destination URL Auto-tagging”. Click “Save Changes”; still from your AdWords account, click … Read more