GMSPolyline very large memory spike

why don´t you try to use google API for direction, based on basic http requests. . (check the conditions on licensing and nº of requests). And then plot the the data with IOS MKPolyline. i´m Sure you will have better performance. And you will only depend on google for the positioning data. to convert … Read more

Custom Info Window for Google Maps

You will want to use the markerInfoWindow delegate method along with setting the infoWindowAnchor. When you create your marker, set the anchor: GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init]; marker.position = MARKER_POSITION; marker.infoWindowAnchor = CGPointMake(0.44f, 0.45f); marker.icon = [UIImage imageNamed:@”CustomMarkerImageName”]; then create the delegate method: – (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker { InfoWindow *view = [[[NSBundle … Read more

iOS, How to use GMSCoordinateBounds to show all the markers of the map?

– (void)focusMapToShowAllMarkers { GMSCoordinateBounds *bounds = [[GMSCoordinateBounds alloc] init]; for (GMSMarker *marker in <An array of your markers>) bounds = [bounds includingCoordinate:marker.position]; [<yourMap> animateWithCameraUpdate:[GMSCameraUpdate fitBounds:bounds withPadding:30.0f]]; } UPDATE: are you sure there is nothing wrong in you array of markers and the coordinates? I’ve tried this code and is working perfectly. I’ve put this on … Read more

Google Maps SDK for iOS requires GoogleMaps.bundle to be part of your target under ‘Copy Bundle Resources

The instructions are kinda lacking. Launch Xcode (easy) Drag the GoogleMaps.framework bundle to the Frameworks group of your project. When prompted, select Copy items into destination group’s folder. Right-click GoogleMaps.framework in your project, and select Show In Finder. What it doesn’t say is…Then go into the child folder called Resources Drag the GoogleMaps.bundle from the … Read more

GMSGroundOverlay animating – should I be using a CATiledLayer?

I got this answer from, i think it may helps you. As currently I cannot use the “position” keypath for animating, I ended up animating it using the “latitude” and “longitude” keypaths separately. First calculate the points and add them to 2 separate arrays, one for latitude value (y) and one for longitude (x) … Read more

AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: androidmapsapi-ZoomTableManager

Edit: following is the official solution from Google (link) Summary Google Maps SDK thread crashes App (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) – Solution Offered Description On April 23 2020 starting at 11:30 PDT, Google served for 4 hours an update to the configuration of a Maps mobile component, triggering crashes in Maps SDKs for Android and iOS. Applications on … Read more