Gyroscope vs Accelerometer?

Actually, the accelerometer measures linear acceleration; but since force is equal to mass times acceleration, people can consider it as measuring force as well as long as it has a constant mass. Linear acceleration is the rate of change of linear velocity. A gyro on the other hand provides the angular rotational velocity measurement as … Read more

How can I find distance traveled with a gyroscope and accelerometer?

Basic calculus behind this problem is in the expression (and similar expressions for displacements in y and z) and basic geometry is the Pythagorean theorem So, once you have your accelerometer signals passed through a low-pass filter and binned in time with sampling interval dt, you can find the displacement in x as (pardon my … Read more

Detecting iOS orientation change instantly

Add a notifier in the viewWillAppear function -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [super viewWillAppear:animated]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(orientationChanged:) name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil]; } The orientation change notifies this function – (void)orientationChanged:(NSNotification *)notification{ [self adjustViewsForOrientation:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation]]; } which in-turn calls this function where the moviePlayerController frame is orientation is handled – (void) adjustViewsForOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation) orientation { switch (orientation) { case UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait: case … Read more

Indoor Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer

Gyros and accelerometers are not enough. You get position by integrating the linear acceleration twice but the error is horrible. It is useless in practice. Here is an explanation by (Google Tech Talk) at 23:20. I highly recommend this video. As for indoor positioning, I have found these useful: RSSI-Based Indoor Localization and Tracking Using … Read more

How to access accelerometer/gyroscope data from Javascript?

There are currently three distinct events which may or may not be triggered when the client devices moves. Two of them are focused around orientation and the last on motion: ondeviceorientation is known to work on the desktop version of Chrome, and most Apple laptops seems to have the hardware required for this to work. … Read more