View content of embedded H2 database started by Spring

Pretty much the same question as View content of H2 or HSQLDB in-memory database. Simply add the following to your configuration. <bean id=”h2Server” class=”” factory-method=”createTcpServer” init-method=”start” destroy-method=”stop” depends-on=”h2WebServer”> <constructor-arg value=”-tcp,-tcpAllowOthers,-tcpPort,9092″/> </bean> <bean id=”h2WebServer” class=”” factory-method=”createWebServer” init-method=”start” destroy-method=”stop”> <constructor-arg value=”-web,-webAllowOthers,-webPort,8082″/> </bean> This will start both H2 web console and TCP server in the same JVM as … Read more

H2 database error: Database may be already in use: “Locked by another process”

H2 is still running (I can guarantee it). You need to use a TCP connection for multiple users such as -> <property name=”javax.persistence.jdbc.url” value=”jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/C:\Database\Data\production;”/> OR DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/server~/dbname”,”username”,”password”); It also means you need to start the server in TCP mode. Honesetly, it is pretty straight forward in the documentation. Force kill the process (javaw.exe for Windows), and … Read more

Executing script file in h2 database

You can use the RUNSCRIPT SQL statement: RUNSCRIPT FROM ‘test.sql’ or you can use the RunScript standalone / command line tool: java -cp h2*.jar -url jdbc:h2:~/test -script test.sql You can also use the RunScript tool within an application: RunScript.execute(conn, new FileReader(“test.sql”));

How in H2DB get sql dump like in MySql?

Yes, there are multiple solutions. One is to run the SCRIPT SQL statement: SCRIPT TO ‘fileName’ Another is to use the Script tool: java -url <url> -user <user> -password <password> Then, there are also the RUNSCRIPT statement and RunScript tool. By the way, you should consider upgrading to a more recent version of H2. … Read more

How to configure spring-boot to use file based H2 database

I am adding this answer to avoid confusion and further research. Actually I have the same problem and none of the answer worked for me completely rather than the mix for some answers worked. Here is the minimal configuration which is required to persist H2 db in spring boot. # H2 spring.h2.console.enabled=true spring.h2.console.path=/h2 # … Read more