Web App: High Availability / How to prevent a single point of failure?

I have found this article on the subject: http://www.tenereillo.com/GSLBPageOfShame.htm Basically if you do not require long lasting sticky sessions you can configure your DNS servers to return multiple A records (IP addresses) for your website. Web browsers are smart enough to try all the addresses until they find one that works.

ZooKeeper alternatives? (cluster coordination service) [closed]

I’ve looked extensively at Zookeeper/Curator, Eureka, etcd, and consul. Zookeeper/Curator and Eureka are in many ways the most polished and easiest to integrate if you are in the Java world. Etcd is pretty cool and very flexible, but It is really just a HA key store so you would have to write a lot of … Read more

Mathematically, how to calculate an uptime percentage based on a number of nodes and their respective uptime percentage?

Uptime is a slippery thing… If you want to calculate the availability of a service then it is simply amount of time service is available ———————————– x 100 amount of time that has passed If you have a cluster providing the service, then the likelyhood that the service becomes unavailable does down but the availability … Read more

what cluster management software to use for linux?

Heartbeat is sort of deprecated and the new “industry standard” will be pacemaker and OpenAIS. They’re very different animals, so be careful to read their roles. Pacemaker is a ‘cluster resource manager’ — the part you asked about in your original question. It can use OpenAIS or Heartbeat as the network layer to manage a … Read more

RabbitMQ – How I do configure servers for zero-downtime upgrades?

Assuming your rabbitmq clients can tolerate a dropped connection, you can consider what’s described here. our cluster is behind a VIP. When we want to upgrade a cluster, we spin up an alternate cluster and switch the VIP over to the alternate cluster. Meanwhile, we have tooling that moves messages between clusters. When the ‘master’ … Read more

What exactly does Gluster do?

We recently started researching GlusterFS for our own usage so this question was interesting to me. Gluster uses what are called ‘translators’ on the FUSE client to handle how you store data. There are several types of translators which are outlined here: http://www.gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/GlusterFS_Translators_v1.3 The one you are asking about specifically is called the Automatic File … Read more