Homebrew error occurred when I command “brew cask install virtualbox” or “brew cask search google-chrome”

The homebrew-cask repository has moved. Did you try: brew tap caskroom/cask brew install brew-cask brew cask install virtualbox instead of phinz? Update: As Jon Nalley points out, brew install brew-cask is now deprecated: Important December 2015 update: Homebrew-Cask will now be kept up to date together with Homebrew (see #15381 for details). If you haven’t … Read more

brew cask Update or uninstall error: definition is invalid: invalid ‘depends_on macos’ value: “:lion”

Homebrew cask developers deleted pre-maverics dependencies support due to the high maintenance overhead and it looks like they introduced a bug. The way to fix it is to run: /usr/bin/find “$(brew –prefix)/Caskroom/”*’/.metadata’ -type f -name ‘*.rb’ -print0 | /usr/bin/xargs -0 /usr/bin/perl -i -0pe ‘s/depends_on macos: \[.*?\]//gsm;s/depends_on macos: .*//g’ You can find this solution, the reason … Read more

How to install specific Java version using Homebrew?

Install homebrew /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)” Update homebrew if already installed: brew update allow brew to lookup versions brew tap homebrew/cask-versions list available java versions brew search java Optional: to find out the minor version of java brew info –cask java8 install java 8 (or any other version available) brew install –cask java8

List of installable Homebrew casks

The new way to list all installable cask packages is: brew search –casks The man page for brew has the following information: search –casks Display all locally available casks (including tapped ones). No online search is performed. Update: While the documentation didn’t change, seems like search-text is now mandatory. We can specify * by adding … Read more

How to Install Sublime Text 3 using Homebrew cask

brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask brew tap caskroom/versions brew cask install sublime-text Weird how I will struggle with this for days, post on StackOverflow, then figure out my own answer in 20 seconds. [edited to reflect that the package name is now just sublime-text, not sublime-text3] [edit]: As of 2022-11-07, above is incorrect. See taylorthurlow’s correct answer.

Upgrade all the casks installed via Homebrew Cask

There is now finally an official upgrade mechanism for Homebrew Cask (see Issue 3396 for the implementation)! To use it, simply run this command: brew upgrade –cask However this will not update casks that do not have versioning information (version :latest) or applications that have a built-in upgrade mechanism (auto_updates true). To reinstall these casks … Read more

Mac OS X and multiple Java versions

The cleanest way to manage multiple java versions on Mac is to use Homebrew. And within Homebrew, use: homebrew-cask to install the versions of java jenv to manage the installed versions of java As seen on http://hanxue-it.blogspot.ch/2014/05/installing-java-8-managing-multiple.html , these are the steps to follow. install homebrew install homebrew jenv install homebrew-cask install a specific java … Read more