The difference between Html.Action and Html.RenderAction

Try: @{Html.RenderAction(“Breadcrumb”, “Navigation”, new {SeoUrl = Model.CarlineBucket.SEOURLName});} @Html.RenderAction() generates a write call to output something on the page and in your case you are not doing so because RenderAction renders the result directly to the Response. Instead of @Html.RenderAction() Use @{Html.RenderAction();}

Custom html helpers: Create helper with “using” statement support

Here is a possible reusable implementation in c# : class DisposableHelper : IDisposable { private Action end; // When the object is created, write “begin” function public DisposableHelper(Action begin, Action end) { this.end = end; begin(); } // When the object is disposed (end of using block), write “end” function public void Dispose() { end(); … Read more

Html.ActionLink with a specified HTML id?

You were on the right track. I am not sure why it didn’t work for you as your code has a typo which would have produced a } expected error. The following is what you are looking for: <%= Html.ActionLink(“Test Link”, “SomeAction”, “SomeController”, null, new {id = “someID” }) %> Which produces teh following HTML: … Read more

How to make the @Html.EditorFor Disabled

@Html.EditorFor() does not have an overload to support htmlAttributes. You could try @Html.TextBoxFor() @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.propertyName, new {disabled= “disabled” }) If you are using system key words such as class in htmlAttributes please add @ before the attribute name. Ex: @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.propertyName, new {@class = “disabledClass” })

MVC 3 – Html.EditorFor seems to cache old values after $.ajax call

There is no caching involved here. It’s just how HTML helper work. They first look at the ModelState when binding their values and then in the model. So if you intend to modify any of the POSTed values inside your controller action make sure you remove them from the model state first: [HttpPost] public virtual … Read more

Exclude/Remove Value from MVC 5.1 EnumDropDownListFor

You could construct a drop down list: @{ // you can put the following in a back-end method and pass through ViewBag var selectList = Enum.GetValues(typeof(UserStatus)) .Cast<UserStatus>() .Where(e => e != UserStatus.Pending) .Select(e => new SelectListItem { Value = ((int)e).ToString(), Text = e.ToString() }); } @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Status, selectList)