PHP Hostname not correct

My first guess would be /etc/hosts which can override DNS (if it exists for the host) and substitute almost entirely for forward DNS when it’s missing. For whatever reason this host (dbl) was in /etc/hosts and then it wasn’t. Secondarily, let’s say /etc/resolv.conf lost the search option for the local domain, so that resolves … Read more

Why is https not working?

OK, try this: telnet localhost 443 Does that give a response, or does it hang? If it’s responding, you should get something that looks like: $ telnet localhost 443 Trying… Connected to localhost.localdomain ( Escape character is ‘^]’. (if telnet is not installed, then install it; you can exit the telnet session by hitting … Read more

why isn’t laravel’s php artisan serve server being accessible from the WWW on IIS

To get it to work outside of localhost, do php artisan serve –host If you want it to work without specifying the port in the browser, php artisan serve –host –port 80. sudo will likely be required. Note: php artisan serve should never be used for production. It’s for dev and demonstration only … Read more