“The wait operation timed out” when running SQL Server in Hyper-V

Try to execute this command: exec sp_updatestats It, incredibly, resolved the problem. The code above its the error before the command has been executed. [Win32Exception (0x80004005): The wait operation timed out] [SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, … Read more

Does Windows 7 support Hyper-V Manager?

It already does. You can get the RSAT tools from here They include the Hyper-V manager for Windows 7. After installing the above download, go to Windows Features in Control Panel and choose the ‘Role Administration Tools’. Select Hyper-V Tools from there. Edit: Link updated to current version.

Hyper-V and Hyper-threading: On or off?

The old problem with Hyper-Threading in Virtual Server 2005, without getting overly technical, is the CPU cache was being poisoned, i.e. it was caching almost nothing because the contexts of what was happening on each thread were unrelated – causing them to compete for the on-chip cache. Newer chips have larger and smarter caches so … Read more

Should I still have a physical DC, even post-Server 2012?

I too wouldn’t make the Hyper-V host a DC. As for whether or not you should have a physical DC, my opinion is that with the changes Microsoft has implemented regarding virtualized Domain Controllers in general and DC-less cluster bootstrapping specifically, I don’t personally see the need for, nor do I advocate having a physical … Read more

When deploying a single server on new hardware, do you virtualize it or not?

In the general case, the advantage of putting a standalone server on a hypervisor is future-proofing. It makes future expansion or upgrades much easier, much faster, and as a result, cheaper. The primary drawback is additional complexity and cost (not necessarily financially, but from a man-hours and time perspective). So, to come to a decision, … Read more