Safe modelling of relational data in Haskell

The ixset library (or ixset-typed, a more type-safe version) will help you with this. It’s the library that backs the relational part of acid-state, which also handles versioned serialization of your data and/or concurrency guarantees, in case you need it. The Happstack Book has an IxSet tutorial. The thing about ixset is that it manages … Read more

How to isolate EF InMemory database per XUnit test

From the documentation, Typically, EF creates a single IServiceProvider for all contexts of a given type in an AppDomain – meaning all context instances share the same InMemory database instance. By allowing one to be passed in, you can control the scope of the InMemory database. Instead of making the test class disposable and trying … Read more

In django, how do I call the subcommand ‘syncdb’ from the initialization script?

All Django management commands can be accessed programmatically: from import call_command call_command(‘syncdb’, interactive=True) Ideally you’d use a pre-init signal on runserver to activate this, but such a signal doesn’t exist. So, actually, the way I’d handle this if I were you would be to create a custom management command, like runserver_newdb, and execute this … Read more

Why Spark SQL considers the support of indexes unimportant?

Indexing input data The fundamental reason why indexing over external data sources is not in the Spark scope is that Spark is not a data management system but a batch data processing engine. Since it doesn’t own the data it is using it cannot reliably monitor changes and as a consequence cannot maintain indices. If … Read more

How to suppress InMemoryEventId.TransactionIgnoredWarning when unit testing with in-memory database with transactions?

In the code where you declare the in-memory database, configure the context to ignore that error as follows: public MyDbContext GetContextWithInMemoryDb() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // don’t raise the error warning us that the in memory db doesn’t support transactions .ConfigureWarnings(x => x.Ignore(InMemoryEventId.TransactionIgnoredWarning)) .Options; return new MyDbContext(options); }

View content of H2 or HSQLDB in-memory database

You can run H2 web server within your application that will access the same in-memory database. You can also access the H2 running in server mode using any generic JDBC client like SquirrelSQL. UPDATE: Server webServer = Server.createWebServer(“-web,-webAllowOthers,true,-webPort,8082”).start(); Server server = Server.createTcpServer(“-tcp,-tcpAllowOthers,true,-tcpPort,9092”).start(); Now you can connect to your database via jdbc:h2:mem:foo_db URL within the same … Read more