Access denied in IE 10 and 11 when ajax target is localhost

Internet Explorer raises this error as part of its security zones feature. Using default security settings, an “Access is Denied” error is raised when attempting to access a resource in the “Local intranet” zone from an origin in the “Internet” zone. If you were writing your Ajax code manually, Internet Explorer would raise an error … Read more

How can I make SmartScreen Filter trust a self-signed certificate

To quote from MSDN’s website: Detractors may claim that SmartScreen is “forcing” developers to spend money on certificates. It should be stressed that EV code signing certificates are not required to build or maintain reputation with SmartScreen. Files signed with standard code signing certificates and even unsigned files continue to build reputation as they have … Read more

Flex auto margin not working in IE10/11

This appears to be an IE bug. According to the flexbox specification: 8.1. Aligning with auto margins Prior to alignment via justify-content and align-self, any positive free space is distributed to auto margins in that dimension. Note: If free space is distributed to auto margins, the alignment properties will have no effect in that dimension … Read more

Check for IE 10 [duplicate]

The real way to detect this, without conditional comments and without User Agent sniffing is with conditional compilation: <script type=”text/javascript”> var isIE10 = false; /*@cc_on if (/^10/.test(@_jscript_version)) { isIE10 = true; } @*/ console.log(isIE10); </script> After running this code, you can use following anytime after: if (isIE10) { // Using Internet Explorer 10 } Reference: … Read more

IE10 stop scroll bar from appearing over content and disappearing

There is a custom vendor-prefixed CSS property to set: html { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; } Other options include auto, none, scrollbar, and -ms-autohiding-scrollbar. The latter causes the behavior you’re experiencing. An excerpt from the MSDN documentation, specifically the abovementioned scrollbar value: Indicates the element displays a classic scrollbar-type control when its content overflows. Unlike -ms-autohiding-scrollbar, scrollbars … Read more

Why is backface-visibility hidden not working in IE10 when perspective is applied to parent elements?

I came up against this glitch too and it is definitely a glitch. The workaround is to apply the perspective transform on the child element. I updated your fiddle here: .item { backface-visibility: hidden; transform: perspective(200px) rotateX(0deg); } .container:hover .item { transform: perspective(200px) rotateX(180deg); } (See also answer at I think it is … Read more

Access Denied for localstorage in IE10

Our users were having issues with web sites using the LocalStorage feature (including Twitter) on Windows 8 with IE 10. When accessing one of these sites with the F12 Developer Tools open, a SCRIPT5: Access is denied message appeared on the console. After working with Microsoft support, we identified the cause. It turned out to … Read more

keep placeholder on focus in IE10

The :-ms-input-placeholder pseudo-class documentation from the Internet Explorer Developer Center seems to imply this is working as designed. The placeholder text is displayed with the specified style until the field has focus, meaning that the field can be typed into. When the field has focus, it returns to the normal style of the input field … Read more