Write output to a file after piped to jq

Just calling jq without a filter will throw errors if stdout isn’t a terminal $ curl https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1 | jq > test.txt jq – commandline JSON processor [version 1.5-1-a5b5cbe] Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file…] jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the given filter to its JSON text inputs and producing the […] … Read more

Results of printf() and system() are in the wrong order when output is redirected to a file [duplicate]

By default output to stdout is line-buffered when connected to a terminal. That is, the buffer is flushed when it’s full or when you add a newline. However, if stdout is not connected to a terminal, like what happens when you redirect the output from your program to a file, then stdout becomes fully buffered. … Read more

What does >& mean?

This is the same as &>. From the bash manpage: Redirecting Standard Output and Standard Error This construct allows both the standard output (file descriptor 1) and the standard error output (file descriptor 2) to be redirected to the file whose name is the expansion of word. There are two formats for redirecting standard output … Read more

Redirecting Output from within Batch file

The simple naive way that is slow because it opens and positions the file pointer to End-Of-File multiple times. @echo off command1 >output.txt command2 >>output.txt … commandN >>output.txt A better way – easier to write, and faster because the file is opened and positioned only once. @echo off >output.txt ( command1 command2 … commandN ) … Read more

What’s the better (cleaner) way to ignore output in PowerShell? [closed]

I just did some tests of the four options that I know about. Measure-Command {$(1..1000) | Out-Null} TotalMilliseconds : 76.211 Measure-Command {[Void]$(1..1000)} TotalMilliseconds : 0.217 Measure-Command {$(1..1000) > $null} TotalMilliseconds : 0.2478 Measure-Command {$null = $(1..1000)} TotalMilliseconds : 0.2122 ## Control, times vary from 0.21 to 0.24 Measure-Command {$(1..1000)} TotalMilliseconds : 0.2141 So I would … Read more