How to add the AppTrackingTransparency permission to your iOS apps

For those who might be struggling with the same things, I got the AppTrackingTransparency dialog box to appear with the function, import AppTrackingTransparency import AdSupport //NEWLY ADDED PERMISSIONS FOR iOS 14 func requestPermission() { if #available(iOS 14, *) { ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization { status in switch status { case .authorized: // Tracking authorization dialog was shown // … Read more

GoogleDataTransport is throwing Double-quoted include in framework header expected angle-bracketed error on iOS14

Apparently installing cocoapods version 1.10.0 fixes it all. If that doesn’t work for you, please continue reading. There’s lots of temp fixes that’ll definitely work for you. Here’s the command to uninstall and reinstall that 1.10.1 version: gem uninstall cocoapods; gem install cocoapods -v ‘1.10.1’ ONLY CONTINUE READING IF THE ABOVE DIDN’T WORK FOR YOU. … Read more