Gradle: add dependency for a specific flavour of the library

In your library you need to tell gradle to build every time every variant: android { publishNonDefault true } Then in your application, since recently I guess, you can do this: dependencies { (…) devCompile project(path: ‘:lib’, configuration: ‘devDebug’) // or ‘devRelease’ storeCompile project(path: ‘:lib’, configuration: ‘storeRelease’) // or ‘storeDebug’ } Found in the official … Read more

Open source Android libraries? Reusable Views, ViewGroups, Adapters etc? [closed]

Update June 28, 2013: More libraries Some high quality ones: DragSortListView FadingActionBar Square Open Source Android libraries (multiple high quality libraries) ActionBar-PullToRefresh PagerSlidingTabStrip FunDapter GreenDroid or the GDCatalog demo app See also: Android UI Patterns App demoing and listing lots of components from various developers (the app has been removed from the playstore, … Read more

How to add a Library Project to a android project?

File->New->Other Select Android Project Select “Create Project from existing source” Click “Browse…” button and navigate to johannilsson-android-actionbar\actionbar Finish (Now action bar project in your workspace) Right-click on your project -> Properties In Android->Library section click Add select recently added project -> Ok that’s it! Now you can use it