Can cryptsetup read mappings from /etc/crypttab?

You can use sudo systemctl start systemd-cryptsetup@<name> instead of cryptsetup luksOpen UUID=… <name> when you have an entry as follows in your /etc/crypttab: <name> UUID=… none noauto It will prompt you for the passphrase if needed. The corresponding unit file is generated automatically by systemd-cryptsetup-generator. You can list all generated unit files using systemctl list-unit-files| … Read more

Creating a grow-on-demand encrypted volume with LUKS

Yes! It looks like it’s possible. Let’s check how it can be achieved. Note that this doesn’t create a true grow-on-demand filesystem, as when the filesystem reaches the max size of the sparse file, it will report ‘out of space’ errors if more data still needs to be written. Initially, I was investigating Thin Provisioning, … Read more