Should old servers be retired

Here’s a previous question and answers: Do you continue to use your end-of-life server/network equipment? And another one: How often does your company replace all its servers? At 5 years, for what sounds like mission-critical functions, I’d start looking at replacement even if they’re working fine. But since they are working fine, I’d plan out … Read more

What is a reasonable maintenance schedule for Windows PCs?

Here are some “pages” out of my personal “operations manual”: All user data is saved on servers, period. It might be replicated to client computers via functionality like “Offline Files” (for laptop computers, particularly) and Outlook’s “Cached Exchange Mode”, but there is no primary storage of data on client computers, ever. No recurring backups of … Read more

What Data Center room routine maintenance tasks should be done?

Disclaimer: When working with A/C, eletrical, fire suppression, always use licensed professionals and follow local laws/codes. Know your limits. Also, I have found this book (albeit old) to be a wealth of knowledge for sysadmins: Sun Blueprints – Enterprise Data Center Design and Methodology – Rob Snevely The book can be downloaded in its entirety … Read more

doveadm: Delete messages older than date

Apparently my solution was almost right, I can do what I need with: doveadm expunge -u mailbox INBOX SENTBEFORE 1-Jan-2011 doveadm expunge -u mailbox INBOX.Sent SENTBEFORE 1-Jan-2011 doveadm expunge -u mailbox INBOX.Trash SENTBEFORE 1-Jan-2011 doveadm purge -u Note: You can replace -u with -A to target all users on the … Read more

DBA who is worried reorganizing or rebuidling indexes may cause data loss?

Rebuilding a database index should not cause any data loss. It will however probably cause a substantial performance degradation as the indexes being rebuilt will normally not be available for use until the rebuild finishes. For that reason it should be done during off-hours when the affected systems are idle. Paranoia is a Good Thing … Read more