How to implement a saga using a scatter/Gather pattern In MassTransit 3.0

I came into similar problem – need to publish few dozends of commands (all same interface, IMyRequest) and wait all. Actually my command initiates other saga, which publish IMyRequestDone at the end of processing without marking saga completed. (Need to complete them at some time later.) So instead of saving number of completed nested sagas … Read more

What does MassTransit add to RabbitMQ?

Things that MT adds on top of just using RabbitMQ: Optimized, asynchronous multithreaded, concurrent consumers Message serialization, with support for interfaces, classes, and records, including guidance on versioning message contracts Automatic exchange bindings, publish conventions Saga state machines, including persistent state via Entity Framework Core, MongoDB, Redis, etc. Built-in metrics, Open Telemetry, Prometheus Message headers … Read more

nServiceBus vs Mass Transit vs Rhino Service Bus vs other?

I’d recommend staying away from hand-rolled solutions as there is a bunch of somewhat difficult stuff that needs to be gotten just right – like how transactions are handled, how exceptions cause rollbacks, how to stop rolling back endlessly (poison messages), how to integrate with long-running workflows so that the state management boundaries line up, … Read more