BIND, Master, Slaves and Notify

You’ve two options in your master’s BIND config for a given zone: notify yes – will send notifications to all of the published NS records for the domain. notify explicit – will send notifications only to those IPs listed in the also-notify configuration. In either case, the slaves must be configured with allow-notify that accepts … Read more

How to setup MySQL replication with minimal downtime

I assume you use InnoDB as a storage engine. If so, you need to turn on bin-logging. If it’s not on now, you need to restart MySQL after modifying my.cnf. It is the only downtime, after which you can take dump of the database with binlog position without blocking the database: mysqldump –skip-lock-tables –single-transaction –flush-logs … Read more

Modifying columns of very large mysql tables with little or no downtime

I periodically need to make changes to tables in mysql 5.1, mostly adding columns. Don’t. No really. Just don’t. It should be a very rare occasion when this is ever necessary. Assuming your data really is normalized to start with, the right way to solve the problem is to add a new table with a … Read more