Memcache maximum key expiration time

You can set key expiration to a date, by supplying a Unix timestamp instead of a number of days. This date can be more than 30 days in the future: Expiration times are specified in unsigned integer seconds. They can be set from 0, meaning “never expire”, to 30 days (60*60*24*30). Any time higher than … Read more

Java Memcached Client [closed]

As the author of spymemcached, I’m a bit biased, but I’d say it’s mine for the following reasons: Designed from scratch to be non-blocking everywhere possible. When you ask for data, issue a set, etc… there’s one tiny concurrent queue insertion and you get a Future to block on results (with some convenience methods for … Read more

Memcache vs Java Memory

Advantages of Java memory over memcache: Java memory is faster (no network). Java memory won’t require serialization, you have Java objects available to you. Advantages of memcache over Java memory: It can be accessed by more than one application server, so your cache will be shared among all your app servers. It can be accessed … Read more

Is it recommended to store PHP Sessions in MemCache?

1: YES. And I strongly recommend storing PHP sessions in Memcached. Here’s why: Memcached is great for storing small chunks of data that are frequently accessed by the database and filesystem. Memcached was designed specifically for sessions. It was originally the brainchild of the lead developer of and later used to also cache the … Read more