ImageMagick’s `convert` utility takes *too much* memory with PDF input

Solved with the following: cat <<EOF > /etc/profile.d/ # Set ImageMagick memory limits: it eats too much export MAGICK_MEMORY_LIMIT=1024 # Use up to *MB of memory before doing mmap export MAGICK_MAP_LIMIT=1024 # Use up to *MB mmaps before caching to disk export MAGICK_AREA_LIMIT=4096 # Use up to *MB disk space before failure export MAGICK_FILES_LIMIT=1024 # … Read more

How much RAM does a server actually need?

Not really any way to easily tell because it is entirely dependent on your usage and the application. You’re maxing out a database server…how big is the database? What are your transaction stats? The real-world limitations are obvious in your scenario. You’re running for awhile on 6 gig without problem, then it’s swapping and thrashing.Thus … Read more

Avoiding swap on ElastiCache Redis

Since nobody else had an answer here, thought I’d share the only thing that has worked for us. First, these ideas did not work: larger cache instance type: was having the same problem on smaller instances than the cache.r3.2xlarge we’re using now tweaking maxmemory-policy: neither volatile-lru nor allkeys-lru seemed to make any difference bumping up … Read more

Where did my RAM go?

OBJS ACTIVE USE OBJ SIZE SLABS OBJ/SLAB CACHE SIZE NAME 146851887 146851887 12% 0.19K 6992947 21 27971788K dentry You say it’s not because of disk caching, but clearly it is. My bet is that you have code that makes lots of fetches for files that do not exist and you get a ton of negative … Read more

10 GB of RAM unaccounted for by top

Your smem -tw output shows that your kernel is consuming over 9 GB of dynamic memory: danslimmon@bad-server:~$ smem -tw Area Used Cache Noncache firmware/hardware 0 0 0 kernel image 0 0 0 kernel dynamic memory 12857576 2887440 9970136 userspace memory 17661400 1272468 16388932 free memory 351592 351592 0 ———————————————————- 30870568 4511500 26359068 So, some kernel … Read more

Something eats all memory (I suspect memory leak on some app). How to detect what?

Running top in batch mode to report memory sizes periodically can be used to see who is using the memory when things go south. Runing sar in batch mode should give some good diagnostics on memory use, and related I/O. Running munin to monitor the system should give you a graph with good detail on … Read more

How often do you restart a heavily-utilized Windows Server 2008R2 Remote Desktop Server (VM)?

Generally, I’m opposed to the idea that a Windows server should be rebooted on a regular schedule EXCEPT in relation to TS/RDS servers. We reboot ours every day. It clears up old sessions, releases in use resources (CPU, RAM, file handles, etc.), so my opinion and suggestion would be that you do configure a daily … Read more

Weird memory usage in Windows Server 2008 R2

Is this a 64bit server – do you have the lock pages in memory local policy enabled? SQL is likely consuming the rest of your memory If you look at the perfmon counters you will see the memory allocation Here is an article that explains it in depth You can also view the counters in … Read more