How does the messages-count example in Meteor docs work?

Thanks for prompting me to write a clearer explanation. Here’s a fuller example with my comments. There were a few bugs and inconsistencies that I’ve cleaned up. Next docs release will use this. Meteor.publish is quite flexible. It’s not limited to publishing existing MongoDB collections to the client: we can publish anything we want. Specifically, … Read more

Ordering of the css and js files loaded by Meteor

This question has since been answered in The JavaScript and CSS files in an application are loaded according to these rules: Files in the lib directory at the root of your application are loaded first. Files that match main.* are loaded after everything else. Files in subdirectories are loaded before files in parent directories, … Read more

The context of “this” in Meteor template event handlers (using Handlebars for templating)

This video explains the concepts: The direct answer to your question: The thisArg inside an event handler should point to a data context. But sometimes the data context is undefined. When you use the, …) in JavaScript, if the thisArg is undefined (e.g. a dataContext is undefined) the browser will set this equal … Read more

How to build a Meteor smart package

Meteor now supports a create –package command. See the meteor docs. Example (substitute your own meteor developer account for “cunneen”): meteor create –package cunneen:foo Output: cunneen:foo: created in your app Results: packages/cunneen:foo/package.js Package.describe({ name: ‘cunneen:foo’, version: ‘0.0.1’, // Brief, one-line summary of the package. summary: ”, // URL to the Git repository containing the source … Read more

BABEL Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of “app.js” as it exceeds the max of “100KB in Meteor

This is not a real issue. Just a warning. When babel compiles some code, it try to offer a readable output, but when files become big (>100KB), babel considers (by default) that it’s not useful to keep this option enabled (because yes it’s an option, see for more information). It’s not a problem to … Read more

How do I delete or remove Session variables?

[note: this answer is for Meteor through at least] [edit: updated to also explain how to do this while not breaking reactivity. Thanks to @DeanRadcliffe, @AdnanY, @TomWijsman, and @MikeGraf !] The data is stored inside Session.keys, which is simply an object, so you can manually delete keys: Session.set(‘foo’, ‘bar’) delete Session.keys[‘foo’] console.log(Session.get(‘foo’)) // … Read more

Accessing Meteor production database

You should use meteor mongo; or even shorter meteor mongo For documentation you can run meteor help mongo. Extract from running the help command above: Instead of opening a shell, specifying –url (-U) will return a URL suitable for an external program to connect to the database. For remote databases on deployed applications, … Read more