Why does my Windows 7 VM running under Linux’ KVM not use all the virtual processors?

I suspect the processors are being presented as single core processors in separate sockets. Windows 7 ultimate supports up to 2 socket systems, so it will use 2 processors. I don’t know if you can configure KVM to present the processors as either a single quad core CPU or 2 dual core CPUs, which should … Read more

Execute curl requests in parallel in bash

Use ‘&’ after a command to background a process, and ‘wait’ to wait for them to finish. Use ‘()’ around the commands if you need to create a sub-shell. #!/bin/bash curl -s -o foo http://example.com/file1 && echo “done1” & curl -s -o bar http://example.com/file2 && echo “done2” & curl -s -o baz http://example.com/file3 && echo … Read more