How to get mx records for a dns name with System.Net.DNS? [closed]

Update 2018/5/23: Check out MichaC’s answer for a newer library that has .NET standard support. Original Answer: The ARSoft.Tools.Net library by Alexander Reinert seems to do the job pretty well. It’s available from NuGet: PM> Install-Package ARSoft.Tools.Net Import the namespace: using ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns; Then making a synchronous lookup is as simple as: var resolver = new … Read more

Benefits of using a subdomain for sending email?

My question is: Is there any added benefit of sending automated email from an email address with a subdomain? I don’t think there are many technical reasons why a subdomain is required or necessarily better for deliverability of emails. That being said, having/using subdomains can sometimes make things easier for large organizations because: As an … Read more

Can an email server be set-up on an Azure VM?

No. You can’t be reasonably sure your outgoing email will be delivered, as many destinations simply blacklist, firewall, or even null route all major cloud providers’ IP blocks due to the heavy abuse seen from those ranges – not just from email but via other services as well. And even if your mail is delivered … Read more

Are separate dns records necessary for web and mail on a single server?

Yes, it would be possible, but you will lose some important advantages if you choose to do so: If you point all services to the same DNS name, you can’t put them onto separate servers any more without reconfiguring any client that refers to them. As an example: With different names, when the load on … Read more

Server 2012R2 DNS server returning SERVFAIL for some AAAA queries

I’ve looked into the network tace some more and done some reading. The reqest for the AAAA record, when non-existant, returns an SOA. Turns out the SOA is for a different domain that that being requested. I suspect that’s why Windows is rejecting the response. Request AAAA for Response SOA for I will … Read more

MX Records – go to two servers?

There’s no way you can do this via the MX records within a single domain name–DNS is always going to point emails destined to alice@acme.example and bob@acme.example to the server that answers at the highest-priority MX record. (In other words, the second -highest priority MX record is not used unless there was no response at … Read more