What does registry setting EnableLinkedConnections do on a technical level?

Not having source access to Windows it’s difficult to say anything that isn’t speculation. That disclaimer aside, here’s what I’ve been able to glean by reading up on this: UAC creates two security tokens on logon: the elevated token containing the user’s full group memberships, and the restricted token which has membership of the “Administrators” … Read more

Where should I place group shared files on a Linux system?

I’d almost certainly suggest using /usr/local. Globally accessible user scripts can be placed in /usr/local/bin. Small amounts of associated data could also go into bin. Or you may wish to separate out the data into /usr/local/var or /usr/local/share. By doing this you’ll be quite sure that anyone FHS familar will be able to locate them … Read more

Starting a branch office on the other side of the world

Welcome welcome welcome to the world of the Internet in Australia. Even in our largest population center, we can struggle to get 3Mbps downstream on a business-class ADSL2+ connection. Cable penetration is poor in residential areas, and even worse in commercial so unless you’re fortunate you can’t get cable internet. And because we’re such a … Read more

Setting up an anonymous Windows Server 2008 network share?

I was able to get a rudimentary anonymous share going by setting the share and filesystem permissions to: Everyone (full control) Guests (full control) ANONYMOUS LOGON (full control) After that, in the Local Security Policy under Local Policies > Security Options I had to modify Network access: Shares that can be accessed anonymously by adding … Read more

VirtualBox: issue with symlinks in shared folders [closed]

It works! On Windows by default only administrators can create symlinks. When I start VirtualBox as administrator, I can create symlinks without any problems. In order to be able to create symlinks without starting the VB as admin, you need to set this permission for your user/usergroup. Here is a short how-to. The only problem … Read more

Unable to Share Data between Amazon EC2 Instances for Windows

I found the answer to my own query, and here it is: Theory: This can be found at this Microsoft knowledgebase article which deals with the ways to enable Microsoft file sharing SMB. The below matter is of relevance: The following ports are associated with file sharing and server message block (SMB) communications: Microsoft file … Read more