NTFS ACL’s: What is the difference between object and container inhertiance?

These flags control the inheritance of ACLs. There are other flags, too– IO and NP. You can see more about them in the article I link below. In short, access control entries (ACEs) flagged only with “Object Inheritance” apply that ACE to files in a folder, but not subfolders within that folder. ACEs flagged only … Read more

What are possible drawbacks of an IIS 7 site having an NTFS junction as a web root?

a way to deploy ASP.NET code with as little site disturbance as possible. It seems like this objective and your proposed solution are not aligned, because you now have a bunch of extra work or scripts involved for every deployment. One thing I have seen is to install an svn client on the production server, … Read more

How can I use PowerShell to enable NTFS compression, in place, on log files older than x days?

The easiest solution, as PowerShell support for file operations is still rather lacking, is to create a PowerShell script to call the compact.exe utility and set it up as a scheduled task. Because of the space in the path name, you want to call compact.exe directly, instead of using Invoke-WMIMethod and the CIM_DataFile class (which … Read more

NTFS – Domain Admins don’t have permissions despite being part of the Local Administrators group

Right, UAC is triggered when a program requests administrator privileges. Such as Explorer, requesting administrator privileges, because that’s what the NTFS ACLs on those files and folders require. You have four options I’m aware of. Disable UAC on your servers. I do this anyway (in the general case), and would argue that if you need … Read more