What is the difference between NTFS Junction Points and Symbolic Links?

Symbolic links have more functionality, while junctions almost seem to be a legacy feature because of their limitations, but the security implications of these limitations are specifically why a junction might be preferred over a symbolic link. Remote targeting makes symbolic links more functional, but also raises their security profile, while junctions are safer because … Read more

Quickly changing Windows permissions for a huge directory tree?

In this case, there’s no need to mess with the NTFS permissions. Just create a Share to the top-level directory and add the users or groups to the share with Read-Only (or if you want Write) permission. Even if Everyone has Full Control NTFS permissions on the top-level directory, the most restrictive permission (Share or … Read more

User accidentally messed up a Robocopy command and caused a bunch of folders to get created with corrupt security

So for this you can harken back to your DOS days (if you had them) and utilize the 8.3 naming convention, which gets around the invalid NTFS security descriptors that aren’t there. Steps to remove the invalid new destination folders: Open a command prompt with admin rights to the root folder where these new folders … Read more

Window 256 characters path name limitation

According to Microsoft: The traditional Windows API limits path names to 260 characters, even for applications developed for the latest version. Applications using the Unicode-aware API can use a form of path that allows up to 32767 characters. The file name has to be prefixed with \\?\, and must be an absolute path, e.g., \\?\c:\dir\file … Read more