How to define global parameters in OpenAPI?

It depends on what kind of parameters they are. The examples below are in YAML (for readability), but you can use to convert them to JSON. Security-related parameters: Authorization header, API keys, etc. Parameters used for authentication and authorization, such as the Authorization header, API key, pair of API keys, etc. should be defined … Read more

How do I combine multiple OpenAPI 3 specification files together?

I wrote a quick tool to do this recently. I call it openapi-merge. There is a library and an associated CLI tool: In order to use the CLI tool you just write a configuration file and then run npx openapi-merge-cli. The configuration file is fairly simple and would look something like this: { … Read more

How to use ‘Authorization: Bearer ‘ in a Swagger Spec

Maybe this can help: swagger: ‘2.0’ info: version: 1.0.0 title: Bearer auth example description: > An example for how to use Bearer Auth with OpenAPI / Swagger 2.0. host: schemes: – http – https securityDefinitions: Bearer: type: apiKey name: Authorization in: header description: >- Enter the token with the `Bearer: ` prefix, e.g. “Bearer … Read more

How to define header parameters in OpenAPI 3.0?

In OpenAPI 3.0, header parameters are defined in the same way as in OpenAPI 2.0, except the type has been replaced with schema: paths: /post: post: parameters: – in: header name: X-username schema: type: string When in doubt, check out the Describing Parameters guide. But in Swagger 3.0.0 parameters are replaced by request bodies. This … Read more

How do I include subclasses in Swagger API documentation/ OpenAPI specification using Swashbuckle?

It seems Swashbuckle doesn’t implement polymorphism correctly and I understand the point of view of the author about subclasses as parameters (if an action expects an Animal class and behaves differently if you call it with a dog object or a cat object, then you should have 2 different actions…) but as return types I … Read more

How to specify a property can be null or a reference with swagger

OpenAPI 3.1 Define the property as anyOf of the $ref and type: ‘null’. YAML version: foo: anyOf: – type: ‘null’ # Note the quotes around ‘null’ – $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Foo’ JSON version: “foo”: { “anyOf”: [ { “type”: “null” }, { “$ref”: “#/components/schemas/Foo” } ] } Why use anyOf and not oneOf? oneOf will fail validation … Read more

How to convert OpenAPI 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0? [closed]

Swagger Editor Paste your OpenAPI 2.0 definition into and select Edit > Convert to OpenAPI 3 from the menu. Swagger Converter Converts OpenAPI 2.0 and Swagger 1.x definitions to OpenAPI 3.0. This gives you JSON. If you want YAML, send the request with the Accept: application/yaml header: curl “” -H “Accept: application/yaml” -o … Read more

Enable Authorize button in springdoc-openapi-ui for Bearer Token Authentication (JWT)

I prefer to use bean initialization instead of annotation. import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Components; import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; @Configuration public class OpenApi30Config { private final String moduleName; private final String apiVersion; public OpenApi30Config( @Value(“${module-name}”) String moduleName, @Value(“${api-version}”) String apiVersion) { this.moduleName = moduleName; this.apiVersion = apiVersion; … Read more

How to document GraphQL with Swagger \ OpenAPI?

GraphQL APIs are usually documented through the documentation facilities provided by the GraphQL server itself: The type system and the descriptions on the types and fields. A tool like GraphQL playground lets you explore the API documentation through clicking/searching in a visual document tree or through IDE like features (autocomplete + tooltips). This is mostly … Read more