How to define mutually exclusive query parameters in Swagger (OpenAPI)?

Mutually exclusive parameters are possible (sort of) in OpenAPI 3.x: Define the mutually exclusive parameters as object properties, and use oneOf or maxProperties to limit the object to just 1 property. Use the parameter serialization method style: form and explode: true, so that the object is serialized as ?propName=value. An example using the minProperties and … Read more

How to describe this POST JSON request body in OpenAPI (Swagger)?

I made it work with: post: consumes: – application/json produces: – application/json – text/xml – text/html parameters: – name: body in: body required: true schema: # Body schema with atomic property examples type: object properties: testapi: type: object properties: messageId: type: string example: kkkk8 messageDateTime: type: string example: ‘2014-08-17T14:07:30+0530’ testapiBody: type: object properties: cameraServiceRq: type: … Read more

Why `additionalProperties` is the way to represent Dictionary/Map in Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0

Chen, I think your answer is correct. Some further background that might be helpful: In JavaScript, which was the original context for JSON, an object is like a hash map of strings to values, where some values are data, others are functions. You can think of each name-value pair as a property. But JavaScript doesn’t … Read more

Swagger: map of

Using additionalPropertiesis the proper way to describe hashmap with OpenAPI (fka. Swagger) Specification but Swagger UI do not render them for now. The issue is tracked here Meanwhile you can use this trick: define a non required property (defaultin the example below) of the same type of the map’s objects and give some hint … Read more

Is it possible to add Authentication to access to NestJS’ Swagger Explorer

Securing access to your Swagger with HTTP Basic Auth using NestJS with Express First run npm i express-basic-auth then add the following to your main.{ts,js}: // add import import * as basicAuth from ‘express-basic-auth’; // … // Sometime after NestFactory add this to add HTTP Basic Auth app.use( [‘/docs’, ‘/docs-json’], basicAuth({ challenge: true, users: { … Read more

Migrating from Springfox Swagger 2 to Springdoc Open API

Migrating from SpringFox Remove springfox and swagger 2 dependencies. Add springdoc-openapi-ui dependency instead. <dependency> <groupId>org.springdoc</groupId> <artifactId>springdoc-openapi-ui</artifactId> <version>@springdoc.version@</version> </dependency> Replace swagger 2 annotations with swagger 3 annotations (it is already included with springdoc-openapi-ui dependency). Package for swagger 3 annotations is io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations. @ApiParam -> @Parameter @ApiOperation -> @Operation @Api -> @Tag @ApiImplicitParams -> @Parameters @ApiImplicitParam -> @Parameter … Read more