Notify URL of PayPal

PayPal returns data back to your site via what they call IPN. Its really just a callback to a URL you specify. You can set this URL via the variable notify_url you can send to PayPal. Example: <input name=”notify_url” value=”” type=”hidden”> The notify_url.php in the example above receives some POST variables from PayPal when the … Read more

How to add a custom payment gateway to Social Engine

I solved this by adding the payment code inside the Engine_Payment_Gateway_MyGateway class: Once the user confirms on the SocialEngine page that they want to pay, the method processTransaction() inside the mentioned class is called and the user is redirected to the PSP’s payment secure page. Once they are done with the payment, i.e. paid successfully … Read more

Stripe – How to handle subscription with a free plan and no credit card required at sign up time

In part 2 where you do this: We set up a webhook to receive stripe events so after 30 days our webhook should receive a customer.subscription.updated event with a object.status == active am I right? You might also consider implementing the customer.subscription.trial_will_end webhook, this webhook will be sent three days before the customers trial is … Read more