How to mount volume with specific UID in Kubernetes Pod?

There is no way to set the UID using the definition of Pod, but Kubernetes saves the UID of sourced volume. So, you can set the UID by InitContainer, which launches before the main container, just add it to the containers path of the Deployment: initContainers: – name: volume-mount-hack image: busybox command: [“sh”, “-c”, “chown … Read more

What is the difference between PV and HVM virtualization types in ec2?

Amazon run on Xen, which provides Para-virtualization (PV) or Hardware-assisted virtualization (HVM). Para-virtualization used to be the recommended choice, as it gave you better performance (with a much closer integration to the virtualization host, through patched specialized kernels/drivers on both the host and the guest). Hardware-assisted virtualization uses the benefits provided in modern hardware, and … Read more