What are some JavaScript unit testing and mocking frameworks you have used? [closed]

I think that Jack is the best mocking framework for JavaScript as of the time of this writing. The main reason is that what’s right for JavaScript is not likely what is right for a strongly typed language such as Java. Many JavaScript mocking frameworks are inspired by Java mock frameworks (such as the excellent … Read more

Testing code that uses an IntersectionObserver

None of the posted answered worked for me because of our configuration of TypeScript and React (tsx) we’re using. Here’s what finally worked: beforeEach(() => { // IntersectionObserver isn’t available in test environment const mockIntersectionObserver = jest.fn(); mockIntersectionObserver.mockReturnValue({ observe: () => null, unobserve: () => null, disconnect: () => null }); window.IntersectionObserver = mockIntersectionObserver; });