Remote Desktop 100% through browser?

No……………..still no. I was kind of wrong first time, if you have no control over the server then you are still out of luck but if you can get admin access then you can install the ‘remote desktop web connection’ subcomponent of IIS’s WWW service via control panel and then browse to http://whatever/tsweb Try it … Read more

Import RDP file into Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.7

I’m not aware that you can import separate .rdp files however as .rdp files are readable as text files. A simple powershell script should do the job: $Path = “C:\Import into RDCMan” $Text = “full address:s:” $PathArray = @() $File = “” $String = “” $FinalString = “” Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter “*.rdp” | Where-Object { … Read more

Windows Server 2008 R2 – RDSH – Registry bloat with Samsung Universal Print Driver

I had the exact same issue and can confirm it is fixed in the new version of Samsung Universal Print Driver 2 (2.50.5) . I was also running 2.50.2 and the key in question was using 275MB. Simply uninstalling the old version and installing the new version on the server (I did not update any … Read more

Disable Screen Saver for Remote Sessions Only

I was able to accomplish this with TaskScheduler and Windows Event Viewer logging. You will need 2 batch scripts. One to disable the checkbox to require password on screensaver unlock and another to re-enable it when your RDP session is over. Disable script: reg add “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop” /f /v ScreenSaverIsSecure /t REG_SZ /d 0 Enable … Read more

Can’t copy paste between my desktop a remote desktop

When you run mstsc.exe (the client), go into options and go to the Local Resources tab. Ensure “Clipboard” is selected in the “Local devices and resources” group. If you have a pre-defined .rpd file, right click to edit and get the options, then ensure you save the file to persist any updates. Also check that … Read more

How to enable the 2 concurrent (+1 console) sessions on Windows Server 2012

There is no more /console RDP switch since Windows Vista. Yes, the Remote Desktop Services mmc snapins that you were used to in 2008 have been removed. A Windows license grants you two “administrative” simultaneous remote desktop sessions before you need to install the Remote Desktop Services role with CALs. There is no “2 administrative … Read more