Fast query runs slow in SSRS

Thanks for the suggestions provided here. We have found a solution and it did turn out to be related to the parameters. SQL Server was producing a convoluted execution plan when executed from the SSRS report due to ‘parameter sniffing’. The workaround was to declare variables inside of the stored procedure and assign the incoming … Read more

Compare SQL Server Reporting Services to Crystal Reports [closed]

On the one-hand, Crystal Reports is a steaming pile of expensive and overhyped donkey poo, and on the other hand SSRS actually fulfils all the promises that CR marketing makes – and it’s free. My contempt for CR stems from many years of being obliged to use the horrible thing. There’s really no point in … Read more

Remove data.frame row names when using xtable

Use include.rownames=FALSE in the print method. See ?print.xtable: R> print(xtable(res), include.rownames=FALSE) % latex table generated in R 2.12.2 by xtable 1.5-6 package % Fri Mar 25 10:06:08 2011 \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{rrrrr} \hline am & cyl & mpg & hp & wt \\ \hline 0.00 & 4.00 & 22.90 & 84.67 & 2.94 \\ 0.00 & … Read more