Tracking report usage

There is some good advice and queries for generating reports on this in the following article. For example, if you want to see the most used reports, you can do the following: SELECT COUNT(Name) AS ExecutionCount, Name, SUM(TimeDataRetrieval) AS TimeDataRetrievalSum, SUM(TimeProcessing) AS TimeProcessingSum, SUM(TimeRendering) AS TimeRenderingSum, SUM(ByteCount) AS ByteCountSum, SUM([RowCount]) AS RowCountSum FROM (SELECT TimeStart, … Read more

Fast query runs slow in SSRS

Thanks for the suggestions provided here. We have found a solution and it did turn out to be related to the parameters. SQL Server was producing a convoluted execution plan when executed from the SSRS report due to ‘parameter sniffing’. The workaround was to declare variables inside of the stored procedure and assign the incoming … Read more

The permissions granted to user ‘ are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)”}

It’s because of lack of privilege for the user you are running the report builder, just give that user or a group a privilege to run report builder. Please visit this article Or for shortcut: Start Internet Explorer using “Run as Administrator” Open http://localhost/reports Go to properties tab (SSRS 2008) Security->New Role Assignment Add DOMAIN/USERNAME … Read more