Add samesite to cookies using Nginx as reverse proxy

With this code you can define all your application cookies as secure, httponly and/or samesite using proxy_cookie_path ( location / { # your usual config … # hack, set all cookies to secure, httponly and samesite (strict or lax) proxy_cookie_path / “/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict”; }

Temporarily redirect *all* HTTP/HTTPS requests in IIS to a “server maintenance” page

I would go with your third approach “We’re offline” Site in IIS, say you named it Offline, if it has no host header specified it will serve all requests not picked up by any of the other sites which have a matching host header. To prevent this you just stop all other sites. Assuming you … Read more

Configure IIS 7 Reverse Proxy to connect to TeamCity Tomcat

Having just spend around 4 hours trying to configure SSL for TeamCity (and using the answers in this thread), I managed to get this working using the server farm option. I configured a TeamCity server farm which included my TeamCity server on using port 8080, and allowed the Application Routing Rules to create a … Read more

IIS URL Rewrite HTTP to HTTPS with Port

Even though the question was answered awhile ago, this is the rule that I used. <rule name=”Redirect to HTTP on different port” enabled=”true” stopProcessing=”true”> <match url=”(.*)”/> <conditions> <add input=”{HTTPS}” pattern=”ON”/> </conditions> <!– Cannot Use {HTTP_HOST} as it contains both the {SERVER_NAME}{SERVER_PORT} –> <action type=”Redirect” url=”http://{SERVER_NAME}:1000{HTTP_URL}” redirectType=”Found” appendQueryString=”false”/> </rule>

Gmail’s new image caching is breaking image links in newsletter

I think I have figured out the GoogleImageProxy issue. This is something related to CACHING concept. suppose, you have recently deployed your PHP code on your server but you forgot to upload images. you tested once with your email logic. your system generated an HTML email. When this email will hit the Gmail server GoogleImageProxy … Read more