Rails 3 and Rich text editor [closed]

Most rich text editors for the web use JavaScript. These are some popular ones you could consider jwysiwig markitup Redactor (This is great jQuery based wysiwyg editor that also has a Rails extension I’ve linked to below.) Bootstrap-wysihtml5 (If you’re looking for a Twitter Bootstrap style editor) Of course, you could also consider heavy-weight alternatives … Read more

Any WYSIWYG rich text editor that doesn’t use HTML (contenteditable or designMode), a la (the new) Google Docs? [closed]

You could start with the Ace editor (formerly Bespin and Skywriter). It’s aimed at code editing, so it’s missing formatting and other features, but you may find a useful core of functionality to base a rich text editor on. In action: http://ajaxorg.github.com/ace/build/editor.html Code: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace Update: As @theazureshadow points out, the current editor doesn’t use canvas … Read more