Is there a way to add more backend server to haproxy without restarting haproxy?

I haven’t tested this specific use case but haproxy does support a “hot reload”: 2.4.1) Hot reconfiguration ————————– The ‘-st’ and ‘-sf’ command line options are used to inform previously running processes that a configuration is being reloaded. They will receive the SIGTTOU signal to ask them to temporarily stop listening to the ports so … Read more

How to allow elastic load balancer through port 80 in security groups?

What Eric takes the long way to point you towards but doesn’t actually state is that you need to authorize the source as the amazon-elb/amazon-elb-sg. If you’re doing this through the AWS Management Console it will actually auto-complete when you start typing it into the source field. I operate several ELB configurations and they all … Read more

How can I make Microsoft Management Console high-DPI aware in Windows 8.1?

The Compatibility tab is hidden for system files, so to replicate the functionality of the “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” checkbox you would add the following to the registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers] “C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe”=”~ HIGHDPIAWARE” This has the added benefit of making all MMC snap-ins like Group Policy Editor also … Read more

What limits the maximum number of connections on a Linux server?

I finally found the setting that was really limiting the number of connections: net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max. This was set to 11,776 and whatever I set it to is the number of requests I can serve in my test before having to wait tcp_fin_timeout seconds for more connections to become available. The conntrack table is what the kernel … Read more