Are there any tools to visualize a RDF graph? (please include a screenshot)

Gephi was already mentioned, but I’ll incode screenshots and a short description here. Gephi can not just visualize graphs but also supports analyzing, layouting and further importing and exporting. There is a Semantic Web Import Extension that allows you to directly query (via SPARQL) or import RDF data. (You can install it directly within … Read more

Triple Stores vs Relational Databases [closed]

The viewpoint of the CTO of a company that extensively uses RDF Triplestores commercially: Schema flexibility – it’s possible to do the equivalent of a schema change to an RDF store live, and without any downtime, or redesign – it’s not a free lunch, you need to be careful with how your software works, but … Read more

Microdata vs RDFa

Differences between Microdata and RDFa While there are many (technical, smaller) differences, here’s a selection of those I consider important (used my answer on Webmasters as a base). Specifications As W3C’s HTML WG found no volunteer to edit the Microdata specification, it is now merely a W3C Group Note (see history), which means that there … Read more

Semantics and Structure of Name-Value Pairs

Thanks for this interesting question. There are few more things to consider here. What is a pair? Two elements together. So we need a tag for this. Let’s say it is pair tag. <pair></pair> The pair contains the key, and the corresponding value: <pair><key>keyname</key><value>value</value></pair> Then, we need to list the pairs: <pairlist> <pair><key>keyname</key><value>value</value></pair> <pair><key>keyname</key><value>value</value></pair> </pairlist> … Read more