How to avoid slack command timeout error?

According to the Slack slash command documentation, you need to respond within 3000ms (three seconds). If your command takes longer then you get the Timeout was reached error. Your code obviously won’t stop running, but the user won’t get any response to their command. Three seconds is fine for a quick thing where your command … Read more

How do you tag people with a slack bot?

The correct format is <@userID> You will simply get the user ID from the event (in your screenshot, the channel_join event) { “type”: “message”, “subtype”: “channel_join”, “ts”: “1358877458.000011”, “user”: “U2147483828”, “text”: “<@U2147483828|cal> has joined the channel” } Update: (I have not checked the solution proposed in the edit) In the new Bolt SDK you can … Read more

Slack webhook html table

I have opened a ticket to Slack support asking if Slack’s Incoming Webhook message supports table of any form (HTML or Markdown). The official answer is that Slack messages do not support tables. They suggest to generate a table and post it as an image. They also said that they will add it to their … Read more