Why is SNMP usually run over UDP and not TCP/IP?

UDP is actually expected to work better than TCP in lossy networks (or congested networks). TCP is far better at transferring large quantities of data, but when the network fails it’s more likely that UDP will get through. (in fact, I recently did a study testing this and it found that SNMP over UDP succeeded … Read more

Monitor a Windows Server using SNMP

Use snmpwalk to see what the machine is reporting, and pick what looks appropriate 🙂 For CPU utilization, the Host Resources MIB provides a SNMP Table at which lists each CPU and it’s current percent utilization, but these values can be somewhat misleading (100% doesn’t always mean your system is overloaded). www.oidview.com is a … Read more

How do I passively monitor the Windows Event Log?

Windows Server has a built in SNMP trap generator for the Windows Event Log/Viewer, which can send traps on the occurrence of arbitrary events. Trap Form (OID) These traps will conform to the Microsoft private enterprise MIB branch in the following form:… Each “n” is a decimal encoding of an ASCII character octet from … Read more

Solution to route/proxy SNMP Traps (or Netflow, generic UDP, etc) for network monitoring?

A co-worker just showed me samplicator. This tool looks to be just about a perfect solution what I was looking for. From the tool’s website: This simple program listens for UDP datagrams on a network port, and sends copies of these datagrams on to a set of destinations. Optionally, it can perform sampling, i.e. rather … Read more

Is SNMP still used widely as of 2015?

Sadly, SNMP is still in common usage. Later versions of the protocol have addressed numerous issues in SNMPv1, but those have almost entirely been directed at fixing the security model. As a result, SNMP traffic is now comparitively bloaty, but they have not addressed what I consider to be the glaring shortcoming in SNMP – … Read more