What’s the difference between EnableEurekaClient and EnableDiscoveryClient?

There are multiple implementations of “Discovery Service” (eureka, consul, zookeeper). @EnableDiscoveryClient lives in spring-cloud-commons and picks the implementation on the classpath. @EnableEurekaClient lives in spring-cloud-netflix and only works for eureka. If eureka is on your classpath, they are effectively the same.

What is the difference between putting a property on application.yml or bootstrap.yml in spring boot?

I have just asked the Spring Cloud guys and thought I should share the info I have here. bootstrap.yml is loaded before application.yml. It is typically used for the following: when using Spring Cloud Config Server, you should specify spring.application.name and spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri inside bootstrap.yml some encryption/decryption information Technically, bootstrap.yml is loaded by a parent Spring … Read more