How to Execute SQL Script File in Java?

There is great way of executing SQL scripts from Java without reading them yourself as long as you don’t mind having a dependency on Ant. In my opinion such a dependency is very well justified in your case. Here is sample code, where SQLExec class lives in ant.jar: private void executeSql(String sqlFilePath) { final class … Read more

How can I describe a table in Oracle without using the DESCRIBE command?

You’re looking for USER_TAB_COLUMNS – all the columns, and their descriptions in the schema the query is executed in – or ALL_TAB_COLUMNS – the same except for all tables that user has permission to view. A typical query might be: select * from user_tab_columns where table_name=”MY_TABLE” order by column_id column_id is the “order” of the … Read more

Executing script file in h2 database

You can use the RUNSCRIPT SQL statement: RUNSCRIPT FROM ‘test.sql’ or you can use the RunScript standalone / command line tool: java -cp h2*.jar -url jdbc:h2:~/test -script test.sql You can also use the RunScript tool within an application: RunScript.execute(conn, new FileReader(“test.sql”));