Linux Symbolic Linking not working as expected

So what you have there is a symbolic link that links back to itself. I don’t see how that’s possible with the command you listed at the top of your question, so I suspect this particular symbolic link was created differently. I can replicate your scenario like this: sazerac:~ insyte$ cd testlinks/ sazerac:~/testlinks insyte$ ls … Read more

What are possible drawbacks of an IIS 7 site having an NTFS junction as a web root?

a way to deploy ASP.NET code with as little site disturbance as possible. It seems like this objective and your proposed solution are not aligned, because you now have a bunch of extra work or scripts involved for every deployment. One thing I have seen is to install an svn client on the production server, … Read more

How do I assign an SELinux label to a symlink with semanage so it persists after a relabel?

I figured it out: semanage has an option -f which allows you to specify a file type as shown in the mode field by ls (d for directories, — for regular files, l for links). When -f -l is used, the link itself is targeted. [root@localhost var]# semanage fcontext -f -l -a -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www … Read more

Symbolic link and filezilla over sftp

It’s likely the SFTP is being chrooted, so that the directory /var/www is not available to the user in the chroot jail. Look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and examine the sftp directives. Do you see something like: Match group sftp ChrootDirectory /home/%u AllowTcpForwarding no ForceCommand internal-sftp The sshd_config man page is here. Basically, once the user is … Read more