How to configure Syntastic with JSHint?

Here is a more updated info, there is a configuration to associate a file extension to a checker, in your .vimrc let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = [‘jshint’] Also to get info about what’s going on run this command in vim :SyntasticInfo And you’ll get an output similar to this: Syntastic info for filetype: javascript Available checkers: gjslint … Read more

VIM + Syntastic: how to disable the checker?

Using :SyntasticToggleMode you can toggle Syntastic into passive mode, which will disable auto-checking. You can then check a file by running :SyntasticCheck instead. For more, see :help syntastic-commands On another note: if Syntastic is slow for you consider trying ale as an alternative. Unlike Syntastic it runs asynchronously, so even if it’s slow it shouldn’t … Read more